Because Only Together We Can
Kalgoorlie-Boulder Lotteries House
The Lotteries Commission of Western Australia helps hundreds of organisations by sharing the profits of the products sold, including the provision of capital funding to provide community based facilities known as Lotteries House.
Kalgoorlie-Boulder Lotteries House
Who We Are
The Lotteries Commission of Western Australia helps hundreds of organisations by sharing the profits of the products sold, including the provision of capital funding to provide community based facilities known as Lotteries House.
The Kalgoorlie-Boulder lotteries House was established in 1997.
We are a community service leasing office to Not-for-Profit Organisations that provide social, disability, legal, and community services support to many residents in the Goldfields region.

Management Committee
The Management Committee, made up of community members and tenant group representatives, oversees the day-to-day running of Lotteries House. We are currently seeking volunteer members who will enjoy benefits like discounted facility rates and access to tenant organisations. If interested, please call or email us today for more information.
Community Members are invited to be on the Management Committee. We are currently seeking members.

Conference Rooms
We have Conference Rooms for hire at very competitive prices and also a small Meeting Room for more informal gatherings. The Conference room is versatile including an electronic screen & whiteboard, ideal for small training courses, meetings, conferences and seminars. The rooms can be configured to suit your seating needs with wheelchair access.
Kalgoorlie-Boulder Lotteries House
We are a community service leasing offices to Not For Profit Organisations who provide social, disability, legal and community services support to many residents in the Goldfields region.

AnglicareWA is a non for profit community service organisation. AnglicareWA supports people, families and their communities to cope with the challenges of life, by building their resilience and capacity. Assisting with relationship issues, financial problems and housing difficulties. Ultimately making their clients thrive in today's society.

We are Western Australia's leading, independent, evidence-based cancer organisation and the only one fighting every cancer from every angle. One in two Australians are diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime. We’re determined to change that. In WA alone, there are almost 12,000 new cases of cancer diagnosed each year;

Yorgum was established in 1991 by a group of Aboriginal women, some of whom worked in women's refuges, who were concerned about the lack of appropriate counselling support for Aboriginal people experiencing spiritual emotional and psychological pain.

Individual Disability Advocate office is located within Lotteries house Kalgoorlie. We provide a FREE service for people with Disabilities.
We can offer information on your rights and on available services and resources REFERRAL to an agency or service in your area. One-to-One Advocacy to work with you to solve problems self
Kalgoorlie-Boulder Lotteries House
Donation For Cancer Council
Support Us and Change the Course of a Child’s Life Today!
We are Western Australia’s leading, independent, evidence-based cancer organisation and
the only one fighting every cancer from every angle.
Kalgoorlie-Boulder Lotteries House
Get In Touch
We would love to hear from you! If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.
- (08) 9091 6200
- 42 Wilson Street (CNR Wilson & MacDonald Street)
Administration is open Monday to Friday
9:00AM to 2:00PM