Kalgoorlie-Boulder Lotteries House


Kalgoorlie-Boulder Lotteries House


We are a community service leasing offices to Not For Profit Organisations who provide social, disability, legal and community services support to many residents in the Goldfields region.

AnglicareWA is a non for profit community service organisation. AnglicareWA supports people, families and their communities to cope with the challenges of life, by building their resilience and capacity. Assisting with relationship issues, financial problems and housing difficulties. Ultimately making their clients thrive in today’s society.

Anglicare is here to support people through each stage of life’s journey. Their services are available to all members of the community and their work is achieved in a spirit of reconciliation between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Western Australians.

We are Western Australia’s leading, independent, evidence-based cancer organisation and the only one fighting every cancer from every angle. One in two Australians are diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime. We’re determined to change that.

In WA alone, there are almost 12,000 new cases of cancer diagnosed each year; that number is expected to rise. Currently, over 87,000 West Australians living with cancer need our help.

This year, around 4000 West Australians will die from cancer. That is 4000 too many; too many of our fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters, children, friends and colleagues. But we are making progress. The survival rate for many common cancers has increased by 30 per cent over the past two decades and today, the five year survival rate for some common cancers is over 90 per cent.

There’s still a long way to go until we can live in a world where cancer no longer turns people’s lives upside down. Through our world-class research funding program, our prevention programs and our vast range of information and support services, we are bringing the defeat of cancer closer.

Cancer Council WA is Western Australia’s leading cancer charity, working across every aspect of every cancer. We know that tackling cancer takes all of us. Together, we support families affected by cancer when they need it most, speak out on behalf of the community on cancer issues, empower people to reduce their cancer risk, and find new ways to better detect and treat cancer.

People living in regional Western Australia have lower rates of five-year survival for all cancers combined, compared with people living in Perth. To help address this Cancer Council WA has:

  1. Regional Education Officer at Lotteries House, who educates and empowers those in the Goldfields region to reduce their cancer risk, both at work and at home, while also helping to recognise the early symptoms of some of the most common cancers. The contact details for the Goldfields Regional Education Officer and her areas of cancer expertise can be found here.
  2. Cancer support services to support regional people. Please call 13 11 20 Cancer Information and Support Line to find out what services are available in the Goldfields.
  3. Two self-catered lodges that offer comfortable motel-style accommodation for cancer patients and their carers who need to travel to Perth for cancer treatment. More information can be found here

Phone: 9021 7650
Address: 42 Wilson Street
Email address: Rachel.Gilbert@cancerwa.asn.au
Website: www.cancerwa.asn.au

Individual Disability Advocate office is located within Lotteries house Kalgoorlie. We provide a FREE service for people with Disabilities. 

We can offer information on your rights and on available services and resources REFERRAL to an agency or service in your area. One-to-One Advocacy to work with you to solve problems self Advocacy to show you how to deal with issues for yourself.

In areas such as:

  • Education
  • Housing
  • Legal matters
  • Sport or Recreation
  • Neglect or Abuse
  • Employment or Training
  • Health
  • Financial Matters
  • Transport
  • Access

Yorgum was established in 1991 by a group of Aboriginal women, some of whom worked in women’s refuges, who were concerned about the lack of appropriate counselling support for Aboriginal people experiencing spiritual emotional and psychological pain.

They founded a service with a “healing” approach rather than ongoing, crisis driven “patch up” approach.

Yorgum offers all Aboriginal people and their families autonomous, community based healing, counselling support and referral services that are culturally secure, trauma informed and works with an Aboriginal Family Worldview. Yorgum Link Up Services as been working with stolen generations survivors and their families.

Our Services are:
Client Centered, Trauma informed, Healing focused, collaborative, Culturally strong & Outcome focused

Outcare provides justice support to people in the justice system.

Our vision is a community where everyone belongs and feels connected. Our purpose is to empower people to live their best life. And we live by our values.

Many factors can adversely affect our lives in areas such as health, family, finance and our cultural wellbeing.

At Outcare, we offer support to help people regain direction and maintain positive social engagement.

We specialise in person-centred support for people whose circumstances place them at risk of entry to the criminal justice system, or who are currently serving a sentence.

We can provide support in prison, during release and after release to help rebuild positive lives, families and futures.

Forrest Personnel Limited has been in operation since 1986. Our core purpose is to help people with health conditions, disability or injury to prepare for, and find meaningful and sustainable employment. Over our 30 years in business, Forrest Personnel’s service excellence has facilitated expansion throughout regional and metropolitan fringe areas of Western Australia.

Forrest Personnel is one of the largest providers in our field, specialising in helping people who are at least 14 but have not yet attained the Age Pension qualifying age. There is no charge for the service we provide to our job seekers as funding is provided by the Department of Social Services (DSS) via a performance based funding model. Our performance is based on our successful servicing and suitable placement of job seekers into sustainable jobs. To measure our performance DSS uses a Star Rating system which takes into account the quality of our service, as well as the effectiveness and efficiency of what we do. We are very proud of the fact that as at 31 March 2015, a large majority of our sites had a 4 and 5 Star Rating by the Department of Social Services. This is the highest ranking for a disability employment agency and is testament to the hard work, dedication and commitment of all our staff in helping job seekers find sustainable employment.

Cam Can was established in 2011 by Marc and Anthea Lema who felt disillusioned by the traditional services offered to people with disabilities. Wanting more for their son, Cameron, Marc and Anthea took a leap of faith, and followed their hearts and ideas. Assuming their frustrations were shared by many others, Marc and Anthea made a bold move by leaving their respective jobs, with the result being the establishment of Cam Can.

What started as two people and a lap-top in a lounge room, has evolved into thousands of lives being changed for the better. This success has been achieved by not compromising on their initial ideals for people with disability – to create innovative, personalised, flexible and sustainable arrangements that maximise their control over available resources, decision making and choice.

Our Purpose Statement

Cam Can assists people with disabilities and their families to create innovative, personalised, flexible and sustainable arrangements that maximise their control over available resources, decision making and choice.

Our Original Story

Cameron is the ‘celebrity’ behind the establishment of Cam Can, as well as his own business, ‘Cam Can Services’. Cameron offers an amazing story about the positive effect family and friends can have on one person’s life. Initially committed to a life of despair due to limited options available to him, Cameron is now committed to a life of happiness and achievement. A focus on his strengths, not his vulnerabilities, now sees Cameron leading a good life.

If you would like more information regarding Cam Can, please follow the link below. camcan.org.au

Cam Can – Como
Mail: info@camcan.org.au

Outcare provides justice support to people in the justice system.

Our vision is a community where everyone belongs and feels connected. Our purpose is to empower people to live their best life. And we live by our values.

Many factors can adversely affect our lives in areas such as health, family, finance and our cultural wellbeing.

At Outcare, we offer support to help people regain direction and maintain positive social engagement.

We specialise in person-centred support for people whose circumstances place them at risk of entry to the criminal justice system, or who are currently serving a sentence.

We can provide support in prison, during release and after release to help rebuild positive lives, families and futures.

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